
Journal Papers


  1. F. Evrard, A. Chandran, R. Cortez, and B. Van Wachem, Undisturbed Velocity Recovery with Transient and Weak Inertia Effects in Volume-Filtered Simulations of Particle-Laden Flows, Journal of Computational Physics 523, 113684 (2025). [URL] [PDF]
  2. A. Chandran, F. Evrard, and B. Van Wachem, A Semi-Analytical Transient Undisturbed Velocity Correction Scheme for Wall-Bounded Two-Way Coupled Euler-Lagrange Simulations, Journal of Computational Physics 520, 113496 (2025). [URL] [PDF]


  1. M. Hausmann, V. Chéron, F. Evrard, and B. Van Wachem, Study and Derivation of Closures in the Volume-Filtered Framework for Particle-Laden Flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 996, 41 (2024). [URL]
  2. A. Cahaly, F. Evrard, and O. Desjardins, PLIC-Net: A Machine Learning Approach for 3D Interface Reconstruction in Volume of Fluid Methods, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 178, 104888 (2024). [URL]
  3. H. Elmestikawy, J. Reuter, F. Evrard, S. Mostaghim, and B. Van Wachem, Deterministic Drag Modelling for Spherical Particles in Stokes Regime Using Data-Driven Approaches, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 178, 104880 (2024). [URL]
  4. A. Han, F. Evrard, and O. Desjardins, Comparison of Methods for Curvature Estimation from Volume Fractions, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 174, 104769 (2024). [URL]
  5. V. Chéron, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, Drag, Lift and Torque Correlations for Axi-Symmetric Rod-like Non-Spherical Particles in Locally Linear Shear Flows, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 171, 104692 (2024). [URL]


  1. F. Evrard, R. Chiodi, A. Han, B. van Wachem, and O. Desjardins, First Moments of a Polyhedron Clipped by a Paraboloid, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 45, 2250 (2023). [URL] [PDF]
  2. C. Gorges, A. Hodžić, F. Evrard, B. van Wachem, C. M. Velte, and F. Denner, Efficient Reduction of Vertex Clustering Using Front Tracking with Surface Normal Propagation Restriction, Journal of Computational Physics 491, 112406 (2023). [URL]
  3. M. Hausmann, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, Wavelet-Based Modeling of Subgrid Scales in Large-Eddy Simulation of Particle-Laden Turbulent Flows, Physical Review Fluids 8, 104604 (2023). [URL]
  4. M. Hausmann, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, Large Eddy Simulation Model for Two-Way Coupled Particle-Laden Turbulent Flows, Physical Review Fluids 8, 084301 (2023). [URL]
  5. V. Chéron, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, A Hybrid Immersed Boundary Method for Dense Particle-Laden Flows, Computers & Fluids 259, 105892 (2023). [URL]
  6. M. Schiødt, A. Hodžić, F. Evrard, M. Hausmann, B. van Wachem, and C. M. Velte, Spectral Response between Particle and Fluid Kinetic Energy in Decaying Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence, Physics of Fluids 35, 053333 (2023). [URL]
  7. Y. Zhang, A. Hodžić, F. Evrard, B. van Wachem, and C. M. Velte, Phase Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of Non-Stationary Turbulent Flow, Physics of Fluids 35, 045109 (2023). [URL]
  8. A. Jain, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, The Effect of Side Walls on Particles Mixing in Rotating Drums, Particuology 72, 112 (2023). [URL]


  1. M. Hausmann, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, An Efficient Model for Subgrid-Scale Velocity Enrichment for Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows, Physics of Fluids 34, 115135 (2022). [URL]
  2. F. Denner, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, Breaching the Capillary Time-Step Constraint Using a Coupled VOF Method with Implicit Surface Tension, Journal of Computational Physics 459, 111128 (2022). [URL]
  3. M. Schiødt, A. Hodžić, F. Evrard, M. Hausmann, B. van Wachem, and C. M. Velte, Characterizing Lagrangian Particle Dynamics in Decaying Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Physics of Fluids 34, 063303 (2022). [URL]
  4. C. Gorges, F. Evrard, B. van Wachem, and F. Denner, Reducing Volume and Shape Errors in Front Tracking by Divergence-Preserving Velocity Interpolation and Parabolic Fit Vertex Positioning, Journal of Computational Physics 457, 111072 (2022). [URL]
  5. C. P. Zanutto, F. Evrard, B. van Wachem, F. Denner, and E. E. Paladino, Modeling Interfacial Mass Transfer of Highly Non-Ideal Mixtures Using an Algebraic VOF Method, Chemical Engineering Science 251, 117458 (2022). [URL]
  6. F. Denner, F. Evrard, A. A. Castrejón-Pita, J. R. Castrejón-Pita, and B. van Wachem, Reversal and Inversion of Capillary Jet Breakup at Large Excitation Amplitudes, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 108, 843 (2022). [URL]
  7. C. P. Zanutto, E. E. Paladino, F. Evrard, B. van Wachem, and F. Denner, Modeling of Interfacial Mass Transfer Based on a Single-Field Formulation and an Algebraic VOF Method Considering Non-Isothermal Systems and Large Volume Changes, Chemical Engineering Science 247, 116855 (2022). [URL]


  1. V. W. F. De Azevedo, F. Denner, F. Evrard, and E. E. Paladino, Performance Evaluation of Standard Second-Order Finite Volume Method for DNS Solution of Turbulent Channel Flow, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 43, 513 (2021). [URL]
  2. R. F. L. Cerqueira, E. E. Paladino, F. Evrard, F. Denner, and B. van Wachem, Multiscale Modeling and Validation of the Flow around Taylor Bubbles Surrounded with Small Dispersed Bubbles Using a Coupled VOF-DBM Approach, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 141, 103673 (2021). [URL]
  3. Z. Ren, S. Liu, B. H. Tan, F. Denner, F. Evrard, B. van Wachem, Z. Zuo, and C.-D. Ohl, Strong Shear Flows Release Gaseous Nuclei from Surface Micro- and Nanobubbles, Physical Review Fluids 6, 043601 (2021). [URL]
  4. F. Evrard, F. Denner, and B. van Wachem, Quantifying the Errors of the Particle-Source-in-Cell Euler-Lagrange Method, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 135, 103535 (2021). [URL]
  5. F. Denner, F. Evrard, F. Reuter, S. R. Gonzalez-Avila, B. van Wachem, and C.-D. Ohl, Predicting Laser-Induced Cavitation near a Solid Substrate, PAMM 20, 202000007 (2021). [URL]


  1. B. van Wachem, T. Curran, and F. Evrard, Fully Correlated Stochastic Inter-Particle Collision Model for Euler–Lagrange Gas–Solid Flows, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 105, 935 (2020). [URL]
  2. F. Evrard, F. Denner, and B. van Wachem, Euler-Lagrange Modelling of Dilute Particle-Laden Flows with Arbitrary Particle-Size to Mesh-Spacing Ratio, Journal of Computational Physics: X 8, 100078 (2020). [URL]
  3. F. Evrard, F. Denner, and B. van Wachem, Height-Function Curvature Estimation with Arbitrary Order on Non-Uniform Cartesian Grids, Journal of Computational Physics: X 7, 100060 (2020). [URL]
  4. F. Denner, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, Conservative Finite-Volume Framework and Pressure-Based Algorithm for Flows of Incompressible, Ideal-Gas and Real-Gas Fluids at All Speeds, Journal of Computational Physics 409, 109348 (2020). [URL]
  5. F. Denner, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, Modeling Acoustic Cavitation Using a Pressure-Based Algorithm for Polytropic Fluids, Fluids 5, 69 (2020). [URL]


  1. F. Evrard, F. Denner, and B. van Wachem, A Multi-Scale Approach to Simulate Atomisation Processes, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 119, 194 (2019). [URL]
  2. F. Evrard, F. Denner, and B. van Wachem, Surface Reconstruction from Discrete Indicator Functions, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 25, 1629 (2019). [URL]
  3. M. H. Abdol Azis, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, An Immersed Boundary Method for Incompressible Flows in Complex Domains, Journal of Computational Physics 378, 770 (2019). [URL]
  4. M. H. Abdol Azis, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, An Immersed Boundary Method for Flows with Dense Particle Suspensions, Acta Mechanica 230, 485 (2019). [URL]


  1. F. Evrard, F. Denner, and B. van Wachem, Estimation of Curvature from Volume Fractions Using Parabolic Reconstruction on Two-Dimensional Unstructured Meshes, Journal of Computational Physics 351, 271 (2017). [URL]
  2. F. Denner, F. Evrard, R. Serfaty, and B. van Wachem, Artificial Viscosity Model to Mitigate Numerical Artefacts at Fluid Interfaces with Surface Tension, Computers & Fluids 143, 59 (2017). [URL]

Conference proceedings


  1. L. Bruni*, M. Patel, F. Evrard, J. Capecelatro, and L. Villafañe, Data-Driven Characterization of Crater Morphology During Plume-Surface Interaction, in AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Orlando, FL, 2025). [URL]


  1. F. Evrard, R. Chiodi, B. van Wachem, and O. Desjardins, Simulating Interfacial Flows: A Farewell to Planes, in 33rd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, North and South America (Albuquerque, NM, 2023).
  2. J. Reuter, H. Elmestikawy, F. Evrard, S. Mostaghim, and B. van Wachem, Graph Networks as Inductive Bias for Genetic Programming: Symbolic Models for Particle-Laden Flows, in Proceedings of the 26th European Conference, EuroGP 2023, Held as Part of EvoStar 2023, Brno, Czech Republic, April 12–14, 2023, Vol. 13986 (Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023), pp. 36–51. [URL]


  1. J. Reuter, M. Cendrollu, F. Evrard, S. Mostaghim, and B. van Wachem, Towards Improving Simulations of Flows around Spherical Particles Using Genetic Programming, in 2022 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) (IEEE, Padua, Italy, 2022), pp. 1–8. [URL]


  1. H. Zille, S. Mostaghim, F. Evrard, and B. van Wachem, Unit-Aware Multi-Objective Genetic Programming for the Prediction of the Stokes Flow around a Sphere, in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (ACM, Lille, France, 2021), pp. 327–328. [URL]
  2. H. Zille, F. Evrard, J. Reuter, S. Mostaghim, and B. van Wachem, Assessment of Multi-Objective and Coevolutionary Genetic Programming for Predicting the Stokes Flow around a Sphere, in 14th International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control (Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece, 2021), pp. 171–190. [URL]


  1. F. Evrard, F. Denner, and B. van Wachem, A Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach for Simulating Liquid Sprays, in 29th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Paris, France, 2019).


Citations     552
h-index     15
i10-index     19
(Updated on Wed Feb 05, 2025)